Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

November 17, 2014 1:00 pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present: Ms. Jennifer Barber, Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Ms. Queen Brown, Dr. Wendy Doucette, Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Marsh Grube, Dr. Karen King, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Michelle Lee, Dr. Lori Marks, Dr. Brian Maxson, Ms. Sierra Maxwell, Dr. Celia McIntosh, Dr. Phillip Musich, Dr. Robert Pack, Dr. Nicole Prior, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Evelyn Roach, Dr. Mitchell Robinson, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Paul Trogen


Absent: Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Ms. Wendolin Elrod, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Janna Scarborough, Dr. Brittany Wilkins, Dr. Florence M Weierbach


Guests: Dr. Gordon Anderson, Dr. David Briley, Dr. Amber Kinser, Dr. Michelle Reece


A.    Approval of October 27, 2014 Minutes

a.     The motion was made, seconded, and 批准接受2014年10月27日会议纪要,并做以下修改:

                      i.     Jennifer Barber was present

                    ii.     Wendolin should be Ms. instead of Mr.

                  iii.     Dr. 马克自愿加入了一个专门委员会,为学士学位提供快速通道 to Master’s, name should be added

                  iv.     Agreed 通过电子邮件与学术委员会就xx7历史提案进行投票 timeline.


B.    Curriculum Subcommittee Report – Dr. Rayman

a.     New 课程建议:FREN 4957/5957当代法国古典主义

                      i.     Tabled until Dr. Harrington can attend.

b.     TBR Proposal: Revise M.A. in Professional Communication

                      i.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     On 快照,编辑描述以排除“终止讲故事” concentration…” since this is a separate proposal

2.     On 提案第3页,删去“类似于我们本科的传播学专业” Studies,” as this proposal focuses on the graduate degree. In the next 段落,正确的学院名称-它应该是商学院和 Technology

3.     On 提案第4页最后一段旁边,把"变成"改成"变成"

4.     Indicate 修订后的学位是否需要更改CIP代码

5.     Section 6、最后一句:需要读的是你正在逐步淘汰的可能性 earning the M.A. 没有宣布集中,不是说你在“分阶段” out Professional Communication in 2019”

6.     On 第4项提案第7页,“改写/澄清”,并作适当替换 适用于新修课程,但不再需要的课程。”

7.     On 提案第8页,在对人员的预期影响下:阐明你如何 will manage new courses/course development

8.     Appendix A:新课程SPCH 5250在这里被称为“沟通与文化”,但是在英国 课程建议叫做“传播与文化问题”

9.     Appendix B、在Common Core下:2个标题是CMST,与其他参考文献不匹配 the courses

10.  Appendix C, 3rd paragraph: delete word “degree” as they are given 2 options to finish but the degree remains the same

a.      Option 2节和部分的信件:请编辑,以便清楚地表明 他们必须在目前的预科课程结束前完成课程 by December 2019 whichever is earlier

11.  The number of credits for thesis and culminating project is 6; the standard number for other master’s degrees in other departments is 3. Provide a rationale and keep or change the number of thesis credits

12.  For 指导选修课,提供一份可能的选修课或语言列表 consultation with the graduate program coordinator”

13.  CMST 5950 not in rubric, should be SPCH

14.  THEA 5067 should be 5607

c.      New course proposal: MCOM 5100 Digital Strategic Communication

                      i.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     Other 信息应包括残疾服务和学术方面的信息 misconduct

2.     Curriculum change proposal needed for this course to replace ADVR 5101

3.     The 大纲中对主题论文的描述应该用一句话来扩展 to provide more information on this assignment (i.e. length?)

4.     Content may need to be broadened to cover non-business topics

5.     Under D2L程序:每次作业算2分,但文字上写着“错误” grammar earn 1 point.” Change to “earn deduction of 1 point”

6.     Provide a 1 sentence summary of D2L site details

7.     Assignments: 描述表示“讨论问题”,评分描述表示 “discussion question/article review” – make these consistent

8.     Grading scale: change the F portion to read F below 74

a.      Account for fractions (is 94.5 A or A-?)

9.     Delete textbooks in required readings

10.  Bibliography is rather thin

d.     New course proposal: MCOM 5060 Communication Ethics

                      i.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     Syllabus: 伦理研究论文的描述应该用一句话来展开 provide more information on this assignment (length?)

2.     In 批评文章的描述,强调的是一个“公司”.” Why business 所有学生都必须重视集中注意力的课程?

3.     Delete textbooks in required readings

4.     Grading 刻度:将F部分改为读F 74以下,需占分数

5.     Other 信息应包括残疾服务和学术方面的信息 misconduct

e.     New 课程建议:SPCH 5250传播与文化问题

                      i.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     Does 该项目确实希望学生获得9个学位学分(25%) this 1 course even if topics vary?

a.      Clarification: 这是一个特别主题/特别问题的课程,不会提供更多 一年不到一次,因此学生几乎不可能参加 the maximum 3 times

2.     Grading Scale: change the F portion to read F Below 73

3.     Provide a 1 sentence summary of D2L site details

4.     List relevant journals in required readings

5.     Textbook by Carey is dated – is there a more recent edition?

6.     Other 信息应包括关于残疾服务和学术不端行为的信息

f.      New 课程建议:SPCH 5350组织沟通与咨询

                      i.     Replaces the xx7 course, SPCH 5350 is a purely graduate course now

                    ii.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     Suggest 成绩单标题为“组织交流与咨询”,以获得组织 component on the transcript

2.     Catalog 描述:将“执行组织沟通审核”更改为 “performance of…”

3.     Course 教学大纲:目的和目标,在每个要点中省略“to”

4.     Assignments: begin new paragraph with “Case Studies.” Organizational Communication Audit Project

5.     Required Readings: are students expected to read all titles listed?

6.     Grading Scale: change the F portion to read F Below 75

7.     Other 信息应包括残疾服务和学术方面的信息 misconduct

g.     Substantial 课程修改:STOR 5890历史的表现传统

                      i.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     Grading Scale: add F<74.5

2.     Other 信息应包括残疾服务和学术方面的信息 misconduct

h.     Substantial course modification: STOR 5230 Advanced Solo Performance

                      i.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     Grading Scale: add F<74.5

2.     Other 信息应包括残疾服务和学术方面的信息 misconduct

3.     Required Textbook: check Lipman for latest edition (1999)

i.       TBR Proposal: Terminate a concentration in the M.A. in Reading

                      i.     Motion 接受已作出、附议和执行的修改

1.     Be 一定要在每次使用“讲故事”之后加上“专注”这个词

2.     Regarding 通知在校生改变的信:信的阅读方式 现在(第二段)听起来好像学生没有选择的余地 这封信的目的是为了表明,现在的学生 do have a choice to stay in their 当前的备案目录或变更为新的备案目录并追究 the concentration within the M.A. Professional Communication

3.     In “选项2”部分和相应的信件部分,编辑使其为 很明显,他们必须在本学期结束前完成这个项目 matriculation or by December 2019 whichever is earlier

j.      TBR Proposal: Revise Admission Criteria for MPH Degree

                      i.     Motion 接受接受的入学考试(MCAT, PCAT, DAT, LSAT, GMAT)列表 《十大博彩公司》以2票赞成,10票反对的结果提出,附议,未通过

                    ii.     Motion 接受提案的所有其他部分,包括列出的更改 以下,但不包括招生考试的变化,附议,和 carried

1.     In 叙事性地描述行动,去掉了“为学生可能要面对的” financial barriers”

2.     In 一般来说,附录A中的措辞优于目的中的措辞 and need sections. Edit so that wording is more consistent

3.     Appendix A .在联系人信息部分:将单词“department”改为“program”.” 附上考试成绩和成绩单的说明,并将其直接发送到ETSU学校 除COPH代码7333外,还提供研究生课程 application processing

k.     New PGMT的课程建议和实质性课程修改

                      i.     PGMT 5347 not included in package, just an editorial change

                    ii.     Motion 接受所有课程变更和/或增补,附议,不 carried with a vote of 0 ayes, 10 nays

l.       New course proposal: AMBA 5600 Business Protocol

                      i.     Motion to accept was made, seconded, and carried

m.    New course proposal: AMBA 5700 Intercultural Studies

                      i.     Motion to accept was made, seconded, and carried


C.    Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Trogen








Price, Kellie










Present Status


Barrett, Martin L.




Dunham-Taylor, Janne




Elangovan, Saravanan

Audiology and Speech Language Pathology



Ernenwein, Eileen




Steadman, Mark




Trainor, William





a.     Motion to accept appointments was made, seconded, and carried



D.    Report from Academic Council – Dr. Marks

a.     Revising of Admission for Early Childhood Education

b.     Revising of Masters of Liberal Studies, Archival Studies Concentration


E.    Old Business

a.     Dr. Maxson – discontinuation of thesis reader services

                      i.     List 如果学生询问编辑服务,将向他们提供潜在编辑的名单, 罗布·拉塞尔正在研究交流语言,让学生们知道这一点 is not a university service

b.     Accelerated Bachelors to Masters 委员会政策发展委员会将在12月休会前开会


F.     No New Business


G.   Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm