Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

August 29, 2011 1:15pm




Present:  Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck, Ms. Queen Brown,

Dr. Russell W. Brown, Dr.  Ranjan N. Chakraborty, Dr. Scott W. Champney,

Dr. Emmett M. Essin, Dr. M. Marshall Grube, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins,

Dr. Marie F. Jones, Dr. Jeff R. Knisley, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh,

Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Janna L. Scarborough, Dr. Marie Tedesco


Excused:  Dr. David A. Arnall, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Ms. Maria Costa, Dr. William R. Duncan,

Dr. Eric S. Glover, Dr. Emmett Essin, Dr. Ester L. Verhovsek


Guests: none


Welcome and Introductions:  The new and current 介绍了研究生委员会成员,并说明了他们的头衔和部门.


Selection of Council Chair for 2011-12:  Dr. McIntosh opened the floor for chair nomination.   Dr. Scott Champney was named as nominee and unanimously selected as chair.


Approval of May 2011 minutes:  The May 2011 minutes were approved with no corrections. 


Curriculum Subcommittee report – Dr. Martha Pointer: 


New Course Proposal – SPAN 4747/5747, Historical Reflections in Contemporary Spain


This course is offered as an international trip in the summer session. 

The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:

A.        Remove “同类课程十大博彩公司”中列出的信息 section.

            B.        In 在“其他信息”部分,添加学术不端行为政策 course.


Action taken by council:  Tabled


New Course Proposal – CUAI 5601, ESL – History, Practice and Assessment


This course is one of the four new 这些课程是ESL认证教师额外认可的一部分.


The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A.        Capitalize the appropriate words in the “Course Title.”

B.        Revise “成绩单标题”以反映有关课程的更多信息.

C.        In the “Course Description,” begin the 第二个句子,比如“本课程的主题包括……”,然后加上 主题列表,用分号分隔,用于句子的其余部分.

D.        Change “建议实施日期”为2012年春季或更晚.

E.         In 在“人员配置”部分,列出有资格教授的研究生教员 course.

F.         In 在“目的和目标”部分,以“……的目的”开头 课程是”,并使用第一个项目符号项作为目的.  In the next paragraph of the same section, 以“本课程的目标包括以下内容”开始,并使用 remaining items as the goals.  The font size changes at the end of the last item.  Can this be corrected?

G.        In 在“学习成果”部分,将“证据”改为“展示”.”

H.        In 在“评分量表”部分,对每个字母的评分使用百分比范围.

I.          In 在“其他信息”部分,添加学术不端行为政策 course.

J.          Check 查阅最新版的必修教材.

K.        Remove “必读资料”部分的资料.

L.         The “参考书目”部分的第三项有两个冲突的日期.  Please revise to the correct date.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes



New Course Proposal – CUAI 5602, ESL, Literacy Development and Methods of Instruction


This course is one of the four new 这些课程是ESL认证教师额外认可的一部分.


The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A.        Capitalize the appropriate words in the “Course Title.”

B.        In 在“课程描述”中,第三句话可以这样开始:“这个 course….”

C.        Change “建议实施日期”为2012年春季或更晚.

D.        In 在“人员配置”部分,列出有资格教授该课程的研究生教师.

E.         In 在“目的和目标”部分,以“……的目的”开头 课程是”,并使用第一个项目符号项作为目的.  In the next paragraph of the same section, 以“本课程的目标包括以下内容”开始,并使用 remaining items as the goals.  F. 在“主要任务”部分,删除 “Graduate class CUAI 5617.”

G.        In 在“分数分配”部分,删除“cuai5617”.”

H.        In 在“评分量表”部分,对每个字母的评分使用百分比范围.

I.          In 在“其他信息”部分,添加学术不端行为政策 course.

J.          Check 查阅最新版的必修教材.

K.        In 在“必读材料”部分的第二项,删除第二项“全部”.”


Action taken by council:  approved with changes



New Course Proposal – CUAI 5603, Oral Language Development and Curriculum Design in ESL


This course is one of the four new 这些课程是ESL认证教师额外认可的一部分.


The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A.        Change “课程名称”以反映“成绩单标题”.”

B.        In 在“课程描述”中,第二句话可以这样开头:“the 课程主题包括“”,并列出主题,以分号分隔.

C.        In 在“人员配置”部分,列出有资格教授的研究生教员 course.

D.        In 在“目的和目标”部分,以“……的目的”开头 课程是”,并重申第一个项目项目,以反映课程的目标.  In the next paragraph of the same section, 以“本课程的目标包括以下内容”开头,并列出目标 当然,使用其余项目符号项中的信息.

E.         In 在“学习成果”部分,将开头的“证据”改为“展示” of the first bulleted item.

F.         In 在“评分量表”部分,对每个字母的评分使用百分比范围.

G.        In 在“其他信息”部分,添加学术不端行为政策 course.

H.        Correct “快照”到适当的主要教学媒体(这不是学生) teaching/field supervision course format)


Action taken by council:  approved with changes



New Course Proposal – CUAI 5604, Internship in ESL


This course is one of the four new 这些课程是ESL认证教师额外认可的一部分.


The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A.        Remove “先决条件”部分列出的课程.

B.        In 在“课程描述”中,“研究生水平”在第一句中连字符. 用“课程主题包括:”这样的句子开始第二个句子,然后列出 the items indicated on the proposal.

C.        In 在“人员配置”部分,列出有资格教授的研究生教员 course.

D.        In 在“目的和目标”部分,以“……的目的”开头 课程是”,并使用第一个项目符号项作为目的.  In the next paragraph of the same section, 以“本课程的目标包括以下内容”开始,并使用 remaining items as the goals.  

E.         In 在“主要课程主题”部分,删除列出的项目并替换它们 使用上面课程描述中的信息.

F.         In 在“学习成果”部分,将“证据”改为“展示” bulleted item.

G.        In “分数分配”部分删除了“cuai5637”.”

H.        In 在“评分量表”部分,对每个字母的评分使用百分比范围.

I.          In 在“其他信息”部分,添加学术不端行为政策 course.

J.          Check 查阅最新版的必修教材.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes



研究生院小组委员会报告和建议-博士. Tedesco. 


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Report

August 2011


New Applications


            Applicant                                Department                             Recommendation


  1. Bates, Cheryl                          SOWK                                                Member
  2. Kearns, Jill                              Econ. & Finance                     Affiliate
  3. Pickler, Lindsay                      SPCH/Lang. Path.                  Affiliate
  4. Uddin, Moin                           ENTC                                      Member
  5. Wilkins, Brittany                     SOWK                                                Member          




            Applicant                        Department             Present Status             Recommendation


1.      Andrade, Roy                  APST                       Interim                                    Affiliate

2.      Carter, Daryl                    HIST                        Temp.                          Member

3.      Foley, Virginia                 ELPA                       Associate                     Member

4.      Harr, Demetria                 MGMT & MKTG    Interim.                       Affiliate         

5.      Metts, Tricia                    ENVH                      Associate                     Member

6.      Palmero, Mauro               KLSS                       Temp.                          Member

7.      Samples, Don                  ALHS                      Associate                     Member


Report on 研究生院人事变动:  Dr. 麦金托什详细描述了发生在 Graduate Studies.  Fiona Goodyear 因医疗/残疾原因取代罗宾·奥戴尔.  Bethany Glassbrenner was hired as a new 项目专家资助的申请费增加. Dr. Wayne Gillespie was replaced with Dr. Karin Bartoszuk due to returning to Criminal Justice department to teach.  Joshua 谢弗接替琳达·雷恩斯成为数据技术职员.  Linda was promoted to Executive Aid.  目前,正在寻找一个新的系统 取代克里斯蒂安·费雷尔-加西亚的分析师,他被一家公司聘用.


Report on Credit Hour Definition committee:  Dr. Grube 分享了最后的分析关于一个小时的政策的定义,应该 be submitted to SACS this month.  The 委员会正在继续批评这项政策,并正在逐步完成.  The Graduate Council will be able to review the final policy.  


Report on Academic Honesty/Integrity task force – Dr. Verhovsek was absent, therefore, Dr. 他是学术诚实和诚信工作组的成员 gave the update.  First, Dr. Hoover 他表示,他不知道作弊已经变得多么普遍.  He stated more proactive action was required 以教程和文档的形式告知学生有关的情况 honesty and integrity policy.  Also, the task force is composed of two sub-committees.  一个负责信条和法典,另一个负责 为上诉或诉讼所遵循的程序.  Furthermore, there should be a tutorial for the faculty to know the procedure to follow.  利用的方法之一是在D2L上的Turn-it-in,试图弯曲 cheating.  Additionally, there should be 一种追踪持续事件的方法,也许是一个中央票据交换所 established.  The information regarding evaluation, training, and policies should be campus-wide.  各专责小组委员会将进行进一步讨论 will make recommendations to Dr. Bach for presentation to TBR.


Old Business:  The two students named for the Add-on Fellowship are Ms. 历史系的杰奎琳·谢尔顿和. Kristi Sanborn-Miller, College of Nursing.  Each student will receive a $1000 each.


New Business:  Recently, the School of Graduate Studies 增加了一个新的带薪实习职位,以帮助研究生. Ms. Laura Pepper-Weiler是研究生成功专家,也是一名社会工作者 graduate student.   有一些情况发生在 学生的学术生涯和这是一个双赢的资源找到 研究生要想在ETSU取得成功. Dr. Karin Bartoszuk is the task supervisor.


这些信息已经发到研究生部了 网站与姓名,电子邮件,和合同电话号码.  Also, the information was mentioned at the 学术委员会,研究生入学指导,并通过电子邮件发送给所有毕业生 students.       


Other:  Some of the items forthcoming are 有竞争力的夏季研究奖学金和GA/TS政策 eligibility.  Fund will be identified for the summer research fellowship for next month. A proposal will be submitted to the council at that time.  Also, an 对GA/TS资格政策的解释将被列入议程 for September or October.


Adjournment:  There was no further council business to 经过讨论,会议于下午二时休会.m.



I.        Adjournment